Request a Grant to Grow Your Program
With more than $492 million awarded in grants since 1990, The NRA Foundation wants to help your efforts succeed.

Request a Grant to Grow Your Program
With more than $492 million awarded in grants since 1990, The NRA Foundation wants to help your efforts succeed.
We Fund the Future of the Shooting Sports
Funds raised through Friends of NRA events, together with other funds raised by The NRA Foundation, provide resources to fund grants at the national, state and local level.
The NRA Foundation awards grants to fund activities and programs that promote firearms and hunting safety, enhance marksmanship skills of those in the shooting sports, and educate the public about firearms in their historic, technological and artistic context.

Amazing and Dedicated Volunteers Plan Events
Every year, volunteers across the country gather to raise money for the future of the shooting sports. Together these dedicated individuals form Friends of NRA committees and plan some of the most fun and exciting events around.

Friends of NRA Events Raise Millions in Funds
Friends of NRA events are known for three things- fun, fellowship, and fundraising. Last year alone, there were over 600 Friends of NRA events across the country.

Funds Raised are Awarded as Grants
Through the hard work of our volunteers and the funds they raise through Friends of NRA events, The NRA Foundation has been able to provide critical funding to firearm programs on the local, state, and national levels.

Friends of NRA Net Proceeds Fund Grants at the Local, State and National Level

Half of All Net Proceeds Fund Programs Recommended by the State Fund Committee Where Funds Were Raised
Every year, Friends of NRA State Fund Committees make grant recommendations for the NRA Foundation Board of Trustee’s approval to fund programs and projects at the state and local level.
The Other Half of All Net Proceeds Fund Projects with a National Scope
The other half of funds raised at Friends of NRA events is combined with other funding received by the Foundation, like contributions and endowment distributions, to fund charitable grant programs conducted by the NRA at the national level.
Ready to Apply for a Grant?
The NRA Foundation wants to help your efforts succeed.