About Friends of NRA
Friends of NRA is the blockbuster fundraising arm of The NRA Foundation.

About Friends of NRA
Friends of NRA is the blockbuster fundraising arm of The NRA Foundation.

There is Something for Everyone at a Friends of NRA Event.
From the moment you walk in, the atmosphere is brimming with excitement. Whether you’re keeping an eye on that unique item in the silent auction, trying your luck at the game tables, you’ll be sure to have a good time. It’s a family-friendly event chock-full of everything from exclusive, limited edition merchandise and firearms to knives, art, jewelry, and more. Not to mention all the great people you’ll meet in the process!
More Than 600 Events Held Last Year
Thanks to the efforts of more than 8,000 dedicated volunteers, Friends of NRA events are some of the most fun and exciting events around.

More Than 2,400 Grants Awarded Last Year
Since 1990, The NRA Foundation has funded over 63,000 grants, and is America’s leading charitable organization in the support of shooting sports.

Over $1.1 Billion Gross Raised Since Inception
Since 1992, Friends of NRA has held over 26,000 events and reached over 4.8 million attendees.
One Team, One Voice

Committed Citizens Working Together
With support from the NRA Field Staff, thousands of passionate volunteers committed to the future of the shooting sports participate in the program by organizing committees, securing donations, selling tickets, and hosting a Friends of NRA event in their communities.
Whether you’re serving on the committee or attending with family and friends, you’ll meet committed citizens working together to protect our American freedoms.

Investing in the Next Generation
Committee volunteers are appointed to State Fund Committees to make recommendations for local grant funding in areas such as youth education, women-focused clinics, law enforcement training, hunter safety, range improvement, firearms and marksmanship training and safety.
Recognizing the impact American youth has on the future of the shooting sports, State Fund Committees frequently recommend grants for youth programs, allocating the most significant portion of monies to this vital area.
One Vision
Friends of NRA events boil down to one goal—fundraising for the future of the shooting sports.
Friends of NRA- the Fundraising Arm of The NRA Foundation
The NRA Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, raises funds to support eligible public interest activities of the NRA and other organizations that defend and foster the Second Amendment rights of all law-abiding Americans.
The NRA Foundation provides grants to fund activities and support programs in the United States to promote firearms and hunting safety, to enhance marksmanship skills of those in the shooting sports, and to educate the public about firearms in their historic, technological and artistic context.
These grants benefit constituencies such as children, women, people with physical disabilities, gun collectors, law enforcement officers, hunters and competitive shooters.

Net Friends of NRA Program Proceeds Support Local, State & National Shooting Sports Programs
50% of net proceeds are allocated for use at the state and local level, and 50% of net proceeds are allocated for use at the national level.