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Friends of NRA Industry Supporters

The Friends of NRA Standard Merchandise Package
The Standard Merchandise Package is an important part of the approximately 700 annual community-based Friends of NRA events. The Standard Package includes 21 items that range from firearms and gear to home décor, cutlery, and jewelry. These items are shipped directly to each Friends of NRA committee across the country.
The Vendor Direct Package
Vendor Direct is an optional, supplementary purchasing program through NRA Headquarters where committees may elect to purchase additional merchandise from a select group of vendors. Friends of NRA also features a Firearms Preferred Vendor Direct program, which gives committees the opportunity to work with an NRA Field Representative to preview and order a variety of additional firearms based on individual event needs.
Select firearm and gear manufacturers are invited to participate in this program. The goal is to give committees the chance to purchase different types of firearms, outdoor gear, home décor, and other Friends of NRA exclusive items in support of The NRA Foundation from trusted industry leaders.
Interested in Becoming an Industry Supporter?
If you would like to provide exclusive merchandise for use at Friends of NRA events, please contact the Field Operations NRA Merchandise Department by calling 703-267-1418, or email us and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Industry Supporters
Special Thanks to our Friends of NRA Industry Supporters!


KemoSabe Solutions
2024 Friends of NRA Standard Merchandise Package
The Standard Merchandise Package has become a staple at Friends of NRA events across the nation. We work closely with vendors to offer exclusive, quality merchandise sure to please the most selective collectors and outdoorsmen.
Interested in Becoming an Industry Supporter?
If you would like to provide exclusive merchandise for use at Friends of NRA events, please contact the Field Operations NRA Merchandise Department by calling 703-267-1418, or email us and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.