Thanks to an NRA Foundation Grant, American Freedom Defense (AFD) in Greencreek, Idaho holds free basic handgun classes to help prepare students for monthly meetings that are held at the St. John Bosco Academy Gun Club. Before joining the club, students must take a full-day safety course, the NRA Basic Pistol class. Then, at each monthly meeting, the gun club trains for 2 hours on a variety of handgun skills.
The NRA Foundation awarded the St. John Bosco Academy Gun Club a grant totaling over $12,400 to fund these handgun training and safety courses. This grant helps provide the full-day basic course and the monthly training events to the students for free. While the grant provides the students with gun rentals, safety gear, range supplies and ammo, AFD provides the instructors, range use, consumable targets, and lunch.
Amy Gorges, an instructor at AFD, shares, "We are very excited to be able to provide handgun training classes to local youth for free. Gun safety, proper gun handling skills, marksmanship, speed and accuracy, and defensive tactics in a safe, fun, learning environment will be available to the students during the school year.”
Fourteen students, ranging from ages 12-18, from several local schools and homeschools attended their class in August. Amy explains, “Youth are the future of the shooting sports. My husband, Jim, and I are grateful to have the opportunity to instruct them.” The AFD instructors have announced that 50 students are now eligible for club membership after going through the training courses.
Amy thanks all who have attended Friends of NRA events since those events produce the funds for grants from The NRA Foundation, and she thanks St. John Bosco Academy for sharing this opportunity with all the youth in the community.
AFD's commitment to educating the youth of Greencreek in firearm safety and responsible gun ownership is a testament to the positive impact grassroots initiatives can have on communities. With the support of The NRA Foundation, this program is shaping the future of shooting sports and fostering responsible citizens who are well-versed in firearm safety.
To support your local shooting sports programs, join us at a Friends of NRA event near you! All event net proceeds benefit The NRA Foundation. friendsofnra.org/events
The NRA Foundation is proud to support projects that are investing in the next generation of shooting sports enthusiasts. To learn more and apply for an NRA Foundation grant, go to nrafoundation.org/grants/