Dennis Brower
Tri-County Friends of NRA
Committee Chair | 19 Years of Service
- Sold 299 banquet tickets totaling $10,170
- Sold 9 Individual Sponsorships totaling $1,600
- Raised over $4,500 in pre or post-event raffles
- Underwriting total of $1,600
- Made 25+ donations
"Dennis has been leading this committee for as long as I have been the Field Representative; he has earned the trust of his committee, the community, and myself. Dennis enjoys hosting an event that engages the entire community while maintaining a focus on the mission and what we are gathered to accomplish.
Dennis is organized and delegates tasks to committee members to ensure everything gets covered. Each year Dennis keeps his team focused on all the basics: ticket sales, the pre-event raffle, underwriting, and donations. He pays attention to costs and guides the team to make business decisions in the best interest of the program's fundraising goals. Dennis coordinates his team to reach out across three rural counties to ensure success; including the Secretary going to local gun clubs and engaging local law enforcement and 4-H to be on the committee and support the event. In addition, he coordinates check presentations and photo ops with grant recipients, then uses all the past grant checks to decorate the event hall to emphasize why we are in the room and where the funds go.
Dennis has attended many Volunteer Workshops and participated as a State Fund Delegate for many years. As mentioned above, Dennis is key in making sure the program is recognized through photo ops and check presentations with grant recipients, and is very active in promoting Friends of NRA and the Second Amendment.
2023 was a difficult year for Dennis personally, and rather than stepping away from his responsibilities as Chair, he continued to step up resulting in the committee's best year ever in the most challenging year in the history of the program, a 70+% net increase! Along with his committee, Dennis evaluated the status quo: ticket price, caterer, etc. and was able to implement changes some might find intimidating, however, they pushed forward and proved to be a huge success in the end.
Dennis' level of commitment and dedication to the program is matched only by his sincere desire to do his best for the program; both of which have earned him the respect of his committee and the community putting Friends of NRA on the map in the Tri-County Area. They have made the Tri-County Friends of NRA event the place to be the last Friday of July every year!"
- Liz Foley, NRA Senior Field Representative