Jim Ashcraft
Livingston County Friends of NRA
Committee Chair | 25 Years of Service
- Sold 200 banquet tickets totaling $12,000
- Sold 2 Individual Sponsorships and 2 Corporate/Business Sponsorships totaling $3,000
- Raised $10,000 in pre and post-event raffles
- Underwriting total of $2,000
- Made 10 donations
"With only a 4 person committee, Jim has taken the lead in making sure all points are covered and on track. He believes strongly in the mission of The NRA Foundation and is highly regarded by not only his committee, but by the clubs he belongs to. Jim is involved in the State Fund Steering Committee and not only provides input, but organizes all the information and questions for the State Fund Committee meeting. He even calls grant applicants for additional information, and provides informational spread sheets for the State Fund Committee.
Jim is my go to guy with my thoughts on fundraising ideas. Jim exemplifies what a true volunteer leader should be. First, he believes in what the Friends program does for all the youth and women’s programs both in our state and nationwide. He knows that providing funds or materials for the shooting sports programs will mean the continuation of our freedoms and the Second Amendment. Secondly, he always has a smile on his face and all his teammates look up to him for inspiration and guidance. He has many great ideas, always asks his fellow team members their thoughts on a new idea, and is willing to listen to others. He is energetic, full of laughter, and is always busy looking for ways to make the event guests happy. Thirdly, he has the 'ask' down pat. He is not afraid to ask anyone or any business to either donate goods or services or for donation dollars to help his event profit even more. Jim is well connected, and has created a list of past and future donors that he always updates to seek out more donations.
In less than 45 days, Jim and his team put together a terrific banquet in 2022 with 200 attendees and netting over $30,000! This is all due to hard work and pride by his great team, a belief in the cause, never losing sight of their goals, and just great teamwork and perseverance. Jim also worked at two USA Clay Target League matches with over 4,000 attendees, attended two gun shows, and made three club visits.
Jim Ashcraft is an outstanding volunteer, team leader, and a huge asset to the Friends of NRA program and The NRA Foundation. That is why I have chosen him to be Michigan’s 2022 Volunteer of the Year."
- Al Herman, NRA Senior Field Representative