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2022 Volunteer of the Week- Travis Madden

Meet our 2022 Volunteer of the Week, Travis Madden!

by at NRA Senior Field Representative posted on April 8, 2022
2022 VOY Graphic Travis Madden

Travis Madden

Statewide Raffles & Loaded Gun Safe Friends of NRA
Committee Chair | 7 Years of Service

Individual Activities:
  • Sold 50 banquet tickets totaling $2,500
  • Sold 2 Individual Sponsorships and 2 Corporate/Business Sponsorships totaling $5,000
  • Raised $6,000 in pre or post-event raffles
  • Underwriting total of $2,250
  • Made 3 donations

"Travis took over the Chairman role three years ago. He has done an exceptional job increasing attendance and net dollars for each Southwest Minnesota Friends of NRA event, and takes pride in getting ALL items at the event underwritten. Travis is also instrumental in organizing several pre-event raffles that bring in over $20,000. Their venue only allows 210 people, so to reach $90,000 net, he and his committee have to be creative. They are striving to be the best committee in Minnesota and to reach the $100,000 net threshold.

Travis' exceptional leadership shows in many ways. He sends a weekly email to his committee that explains where they are in pre-event ticket sales and underwriting. The way he runs meetings is also professional and proficient; Travis is always positive in the way he communicates to his group, and always strives to do better.

In addition, Travis is great at making sure local groups such as 4H, High School Trap Teams, and local gun clubs are aware of the grant processes and deadlines. His area is one of the top regions for grant applications and recipients in the state. Travis also coordinates with me during the nine day USA Clay Target League MN State Tournament. His committee takes four of the nine days in the booth, which helps Minnesota Friends of NRA tremendously.

It is with great honor that I nominate Travis Madden for Minnesota's 2021 Volunteer of the Year. I couldn't be more proud to give him the acknowledgment he deserves, but will most likely deflect to his committee. He has all of the attributes Friends of NRA is looking for to continue the great traditions we need to push forward to the future. He does this all because of the "why"- the future of the shooting sports and to protect our Second Amendment."

-  Eric Linder, NRA Field Representative


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